"And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose." {Romans 8:28}
The last few days have been overwhelming. I have never had to fill out insurance content forms (not fun), speak with fire inspectors (not too bad), or explain to people why an act of violence like this would happen to a racially diverse church in south Chattanooga (an impossible task). We live in a broken world desperate for redemption, and so while we shouldn't expect minor arson or flagrant, racist murder - we should not be surprised either. We mourn our losses. We count the cost. We rebuild.
We rebuild from ashes because Jesus promises to make all things new while we await his return. We rebuild from ashes as an imitation of the saints, apostles, prophets, and disciples before us. We rebuild from ashes because Christ came to live and die in our soot so that we would be white as snow - not stained by the blood of our own sin or covered in the ash of corruption.
We listen to a song every Sunday before church starts spun by Big Brezzy: I Luh God. As I awoke this morning feeling the effects of (real) early mornings and exhaustion I couldn't help but rest on the promise of God through the first church planter - Paul. We love God. We have been called to break down racial barriers, pursuing acts of justice and works of mercy while walking humbly before God and our neighbors.
God will work good from this, He will. We don't know what the future holds, but with you walking alongside of us we are comforted, encouraged, and strengthened.