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Online Giving - Simple. Generous. Impactful.
Financial Investment
Online giving is the best way to financially partner with the mission of Bridge City Community to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly in pursuit of reconciliation. Partnerships aren’t just important — they’re necessary for impact. Check out the ways your investment makes an impact with ministry and community organizing activities below.
Physical Investment
As long as the work gets done we don’t care who gets the credit. For this reason we are always open to exploring physical partnerships where you can volunteer with us at events, beautification projects, or community engagement. If you, your church, or your organization would like to share some humility and creativity alongside us then shoot us an email, send us a text, or give us a call.
The work and ministry of Bridge City Community is an intentionally multi-ethnic pursuit of a faith community that reflects the realities of the Kingdom of God. We gather together for regular worship, walk in solidarity with the community, and seek to grow in our discipleship of Jesus Christ. Check out this roadmap to see how everything comes together.
Youth have always been a primary focus of Bridge City Community’s programming and ministry. Over the years we have engaged with youth through a variety of creative outreach, partnership and empowerment approaches. Corner Evolution is our attempt to connect with young people to get them off the corners and into church. Aside from weekly programming youth are also invited to attend Camp Evolution every summer for a week of discipleship, empowerment, reprieve, and fun on the banks of the Tennessee River.
The sin of racism and its enduring legacy of oppression and trauma for BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) stands in direct conflict with our understanding of God’s Justice as revealed in the Scriptures and the person and work of Jesus Christ. We see the effort to dismantle racism in our churches and communities as a direct reflection of our Christian identity and a necessary working out of faith.
Community Organizing
CALEB seeks to represent the needs and goals of our community by bringing together different groups who share the same vision for our city and its betterment. We use our common wants and needs to bring churches, labor unions, nonprofits, and other groups together to gain a powerful voice in public affairs and issues in the wider community.
Personal wealth should not be the basis for determining if a person, presumed innocent, is a flight risk or danger to the community. With the Hamilton County Community Bail Fund, our neighbors can return home to await trial, allowing them to continue their lives - go to their jobs, be with loved ones, access medicine. When they show up to court, the money for bail goes back into the fund in order to help free the next person. By working together, the bail fund creates a self-sustaining resource for our community and takes a step towards creating a more just system.
The Immigration Bond Fund is a revolving fund account used to post federal bonds for individuals held in ICE detention. Bonds are given to detainees who have a reasonable chance of attaining release, but the high cost often makes it impossible for families to afford.
All donations are 100% tax-deductible. For a statement of your contributions please contact: info@bridgecitycommunity.com