Who we are. What we believe.
We are an intentionally multi-ethnic community of faith that pursues justice through works of mercy with a posture of humility.
The Kingdom of God isn’t segregated, so our churches and communities shouldn’t be either. Racism, injustice, and inequity continue to oppress our neighbors — so we join with them in the struggle for liberation through youth empowerment, community organizing, and anti-racism education.

We lament the suffering that surrounds us & proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ. We pursue spiritual, racial, economic, and educational justice. We are multi-ethnic. We are grassroots and community oriented. We offend and have been offended. We ask for forgiveness and offer it. We speak out and walk the streets. We partner with organizations and community leaders. We seek beauty and practice hospitality. We organize and advocate.
The Staff
Like most that have found their way into the BCC family, Ryan's introduction came through interacting with founding pastor, Josh Woodrow.
Whether through our weekly youth group, Sunday worship, coaching football at Howard, or working at the Beth, Pastor Ryan has a deep love for and commitment to Alton Park.
He hopes to help preserve, protect, and advance our mission and vision.
Mark Thomas has been instrumental to BCC since day one. When Pastor Josh originally approached Mark with his vision for planting Bridge City, Mark thought he was crazy— but doubt quickly turned into trust & friendship.
As an Alton Park native, and Howard basketball coach, youth empowerment is the most important thing for Mark. All that we do at BCC has Marks stamp on it— we couldn’t begin to outline all that he does for BCC and this community.
We confess.
We believe.
We believe that the first human beings were responsible for corrupting the very good creation of God. We also believe that, since we are their descendants, we inherit the sin they first committed in violating the instruction of God. We should be held accountable for our own corrupt nature but God is merciful and just, forgiving the sins of anyone who receives His grace accomplished by the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ through faith. God's justice against our sin was placed on the shoulders of his own son, who was sacrificed on our behalf. As a result, we who believe, are reconciled and restored. God requires nothing from us in return for his free gift of reconciliation, but he does instruct us to act as free sons, daughters, mothers, fathers, brothers & sisters.
We believe that we should act justly in our neighborhoods because God acted justly on our behalf.
We believe that we should love to be merciful to our neighbors because God was first merciful to us.
We believe that walking humbly before God is the posture of discipleship and so we live out the reality of his grace before him and our communities.
We have been reconciled to God. We want to see everyone reconciled and redeemed from the inherited sin of our ancestry, which is why we believe in neighborhood oriented reconciliation.
These words of the Apostle's Creed have been one of the historic confessions of the Christian Church. It is a statement of faith that is derived from the Word of God and serves as the foundation of what Bridge City Community believes and teaches.
I believe in God, the Father Almighty,
Maker of heaven and earth,
and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord:
Who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,
born of the Virgin Mary,
suffered under Pontius Pilate,
was crucified, died, and was buried.
He descended into hell.
On the third day He rose again from the dead.
He ascended into heaven and sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty,
from there He shall come to judge the living and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit,
the Holy Christian Church,
the communion of saints,
the forgiveness of sins,
the resurrection of the body,
and the life everlasting.